Hi Guys!! All misses me right? Haha!
Hope that today you all enjoyed yourself.
I was a little worried that the class split into different little grps.
But i guess. It will not!! Lets all bond together and be a happy family! =X
I know these days everyone all rushing assignments and all.
We are classmates. Got to help one and another? =D
But pls remember to bring your colour theory journal tommorrow!
Don't forget your lappy!
I already emailed to you guys for the com skills lecture.
Tommorrow: Meet at 2.30pm at the National Musuem.
(Located at Dhoby Ghaut)
After com skills maybe we eat in school then rushed down.
Photography class a bit troublesome rite?
Need to redo and redo.
So is colour theory.
But hang on there guys! Its just the beginning!!
Oh ya! Do remember to do your design fast!
We are suppose to hand in this week
But JK gave us grace to extend it.
So do find him at level 5 after drawing your level 3 design
Lastly, Please keep yourself free on 5 June.
Which is next friday.
We are going to Sentosa.
More details will be provided! =D
Photos of the day!!
Its been ages ever since we took a family shot.