Hi DVE01!! Hope is here to update again! I know and i know..There are pretty much assignments pile-ing up.
So.. In case you guys forgotten what to bring and all.
Im here to remind you all.
(P.s. I forget sometimes too)
Presentation of your Colour wheel (V art)
Might have maths quiz.
Presentation of the photos you took last week
Please remember to include ISO, Metering and Aperture.
If you forgotten to write all these.
No worries
Just Right click the pictures.
Click Properties.
Choose Summary.
Then Click Advance.
You will see all the information there.
TADA! Arent im a genius? lolx.
Sorry. Self praising.
Don't forget that your group have to bring 3 sets of something. =D
Each set mus be same type. =D
Communication skills.. Nothing much i guess.
Colour Theory!!
Remember the 5 exercises.
Please read up your brief assignments. =D
Well, I know there might be not enough process magenta.
You may asked around.
(P.s. I said asked around. lolx)
Jus kidding. You can ask me.
For Cartridge paper. I will be bringing it everyday.
So please asked from Me if you need it. =D
Jia you all! I know its tedious.
With so many colour wheels to do!
Design Fundamental
Remember to design at least 8 thumbnails.
But it is best if you design more. Haha.
Kiasu ppl like me will do so.
So ya. Keep looking around.
Or search in the internet for inspiration.
(Although i don't have alot, but im encouraging you guys)
Before he scold or nags again. =D
Ciaos all. Thats it. =DD
(Go all the way. =D)