I was a little worried that the class split into different little grps.
But i guess. It will not!! Lets all bond together and be a happy family! =X
I know these days everyone all rushing assignments and all.
We are classmates. Got to help one and another? =D
But pls remember to bring your colour theory journal tommorrow!
Don't forget your lappy!
I already emailed to you guys for the com skills lecture.
Tommorrow: Meet at 2.30pm at the National Musuem.
(Located at Dhoby Ghaut)
After com skills maybe we eat in school then rushed down.
Photography class a bit troublesome rite?
Need to redo and redo.
So is colour theory.
But hang on there guys! Its just the beginning!!
Oh ya! Do remember to do your design fast!
We are suppose to hand in this week
But JK gave us grace to extend it.
So do find him at level 5 after drawing your level 3 design
Lastly, Please keep yourself free on 5 June.
Which is next friday.
We are going to Sentosa.
More details will be provided! =D
Photos of the day!!
Its been ages ever since we took a family shot.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
hey ppl. just thought of posting one. since i am in DVE 01. haha. unless u guys dun allow me to post. can i post jokes.. =D
Joke 1: An old woman walks into a drug store and asks the young manbehind the counter if they sell extra large condoms. The clerklooks at the woman quizzically, but shrugs and tells her "yes,we do. They're right here behind the counter." The old woman thanks the clerk and stands there, and standsthere, and stands there. The clerk asks the old woman, "is there something else I canhelp you with, Ma'am?". The woman smiles sweetly at the clerk and says "no, thank you,son. I'm just waiting here to see who buys them".
hahahha.. that all. -YAYAT =)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hi DVE01!! Hope is here to update again! I know and i know..
There are pretty much assignments pile-ing up.
So.. In case you guys forgotten what to bring and all.
Im here to remind you all.
(P.s. I forget sometimes too)
Presentation of yourColour wheel (V art)
Might have maths quiz.
Presentation of the photos you took last week
Please remember to include ISO, Metering and Aperture.
If you forgotten to write all these.
No worries
Just Right click the pictures.
Click Properties.
Choose Summary.
Then Click Advance.
You will see all the information there.
TADA! Arent im a genius? lolx.
Sorry. Self praising.
Don't forget that your group have to bring3 sets of something. =D
Each set mus be same type. =D
Communication skills.. Nothing much i guess.
Colour Theory!!
Remember the5 exercises.
Please read up your brief assignments. =D
Well, I know there might be not enough process magenta.
You may asked around.
(P.s. I said asked around. lolx)
Jus kidding. You can ask me.
For Cartridge paper. I will be bringing it everyday.
So please asked from Me if you need it. =D
Jia you all! I know its tedious.
With so many colour wheels to do!
Design Fundamental
Remember to design at least 8 thumbnails.
But it is best if you design more. Haha.
Kiasu ppl like me will do so.
So ya. Keep looking around.
Or search in the internet for inspiration.
(Although i don't have alot, but im encouraging you guys)
Before he scold or nags again. =D
Ciaos all. Thats it. =DD
(Go all the way. =D)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
whoa today we recieve much work from colour theory
but if you think about it, it actually ain't that much (:
ok maybe except for the newspaper collage thingy which is kinda tedious..
anyway here's a vid to relieve some stress
feeling hungry?
good luck
let's put our minds to work (:
ps: i can't get rid of the dam pic under the video
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hey Guys. Few things need to inform you all..
1) Remember to bring your Admin card everyday.
2) Please proceed to the Auditorium for your temperature checking before class 3) Try to finish your colour theory by tonight. Which is might be handing in on Mon or Wed. (P.s Im unsure, so its better you guys do it already)
And the rest of the assignments. Jia you all!! =DDD
Loves, Hope
Friday, May 1, 2009
Labour day
To all DVE 01 peeps Assignments due next week 1. Mathematics 2. Two photographs of texture pasted on A4 size mounting board 3. Design 5 pages of your sketchbook regarding the colour you like and dislike 4.Comm skills presentation ( for some only)
Get cracking before your assignment starts piling up
by w.j.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hi Guys!! All misses me right? Haha!
Hope that today you all enjoyed yourself.
I was a little worried that the class split into different little grps.
But i guess. It will not!! Lets all bond together and be a happy family! =X
I know these days everyone all rushing assignments and all.
We are classmates. Got to help one and another? =D
But pls remember to bring your colour theory journal tommorrow!
Don't forget your lappy!
I already emailed to you guys for the com skills lecture.
Tommorrow: Meet at 2.30pm at the National Musuem.
(Located at Dhoby Ghaut)
After com skills maybe we eat in school then rushed down.
Photography class a bit troublesome rite?
Need to redo and redo.
So is colour theory.
But hang on there guys! Its just the beginning!!
Oh ya! Do remember to do your design fast!
We are suppose to hand in this week
But JK gave us grace to extend it.
So do find him at level 5 after drawing your level 3 design
Lastly, Please keep yourself free on 5 June.
Which is next friday.
We are going to Sentosa.
More details will be provided! =D
Photos of the day!!
Its been ages ever since we took a family shot.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
hey ppl. just thought of posting one. since i am in DVE 01. haha. unless u guys dun allow me to post. can i post jokes.. =D
Joke 1: An old woman walks into a drug store and asks the young manbehind the counter if they sell extra large condoms. The clerklooks at the woman quizzically, but shrugs and tells her "yes,we do. They're right here behind the counter." The old woman thanks the clerk and stands there, and standsthere, and stands there. The clerk asks the old woman, "is there something else I canhelp you with, Ma'am?". The woman smiles sweetly at the clerk and says "no, thank you,son. I'm just waiting here to see who buys them".
hahahha.. that all. -YAYAT =)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hi DVE01!! Hope is here to update again! I know and i know..
There are pretty much assignments pile-ing up.
So.. In case you guys forgotten what to bring and all.
Im here to remind you all.
(P.s. I forget sometimes too)
Presentation of yourColour wheel (V art)
Might have maths quiz.
Presentation of the photos you took last week
Please remember to include ISO, Metering and Aperture.
If you forgotten to write all these.
No worries
Just Right click the pictures.
Click Properties.
Choose Summary.
Then Click Advance.
You will see all the information there.
TADA! Arent im a genius? lolx.
Sorry. Self praising.
Don't forget that your group have to bring3 sets of something. =D
Each set mus be same type. =D
Communication skills.. Nothing much i guess.
Colour Theory!!
Remember the5 exercises.
Please read up your brief assignments. =D
Well, I know there might be not enough process magenta.
You may asked around.
(P.s. I said asked around. lolx)
Jus kidding. You can ask me.
For Cartridge paper. I will be bringing it everyday.
So please asked from Me if you need it. =D
Jia you all! I know its tedious.
With so many colour wheels to do!
Design Fundamental
Remember to design at least 8 thumbnails.
But it is best if you design more. Haha.
Kiasu ppl like me will do so.
So ya. Keep looking around.
Or search in the internet for inspiration.
(Although i don't have alot, but im encouraging you guys)
Before he scold or nags again. =D
Ciaos all. Thats it. =DD
(Go all the way. =D)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
whoa today we recieve much work from colour theory
but if you think about it, it actually ain't that much (:
ok maybe except for the newspaper collage thingy which is kinda tedious..
anyway here's a vid to relieve some stress
feeling hungry?
good luck
let's put our minds to work (:
ps: i can't get rid of the dam pic under the video
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hey Guys. Few things need to inform you all..
1) Remember to bring your Admin card everyday.
2) Please proceed to the Auditorium for your temperature checking before class 3) Try to finish your colour theory by tonight. Which is might be handing in on Mon or Wed. (P.s Im unsure, so its better you guys do it already)
And the rest of the assignments. Jia you all!! =DDD
Loves, Hope
Friday, May 1, 2009
Labour day
To all DVE 01 peeps Assignments due next week 1. Mathematics 2. Two photographs of texture pasted on A4 size mounting board 3. Design 5 pages of your sketchbook regarding the colour you like and dislike 4.Comm skills presentation ( for some only)
Get cracking before your assignment starts piling up
by w.j.
We are DVE01
*Monitor : Bryan
*2nd Monitor: Hope a.k.a Yan Sin
Jia Bao
Wai Yik
Pei Xian
Yi Miao
Lu Sheng
Yan Teng a.k.a Sherlin
May Tze
Wei Jie
Meng Jiao
Jia Hui
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